Q: I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. In addition, I also have an 3.3 x 3.5 abdominal aortic aneurysm. Do you think that Serrapeptase will  dissolve the aneurysm? If so, what dose would you recommend?


A: No, serrapeptase is not the answer, the plan I recommend is below: Aortic Aneurysm Health Plan

Q: Hi,

I am 51 years old and have an ascending thoracic aortic anurysm monitored every 18 months. Currently, I am on 40mg of telmisartan for mild blood pressure. In addition, I also have mild asthma and lower back and knee pain caused from work accidents. What would you recommend for these health issues?

A: I recommend my full cardio program and let me know if you want me to email this.

The basics are:
HealthPoint for your knee, lower back and asthma. (see www.HealthPointPower.com and my video at www.DoveHealth.com)

For your cardio problems:
BlockBusterAllclear 2 x 3 times per day
HealthyFlow 2 teaspoons per day
Vitamin C 2 grams per day

See these above at www.GoodHealthOZ.com

In addition, keep of the carbs and other processed un-natural foods and replace with veggie See www.ReallyHealthyFoods.com


Q: Please advise me about my Aortic Aneurism problem.

A: Aortic Aneurism is due to weakness in the smooth muscle and collagen supporting the artery in the abdomen. Inflammation and an unnatural diet and weak diaphragmatic muscles cause this muscle weakness. Surgery is dangerous and you need to avoid it, unless it is critical. See these below at www.GoodHealthUSA.com

  1. Serrapeptase is one single enzyme and Aortic Aneurism needs much more than this. Serrapeptase is part of a plan to recover this condition and here is the full plan:
  2. BlockBuster AllClear – Take 1 cap, 3 times per day, 30mins before each meal and the last one at bedtime.
  3. Vitamin C – Take 2 grams over a day.
  4. HealthyFlow – Take 2 teaspoons x 2 times per day in water or food.

Change your diet to a, nutrient rich, really healthy foods diet. More can be found here: www.reallyhealthyfoods.com

Breathing exercises and walking 5miles daily will also help to strengthen muscle in the diaphragm.