Q: I am a 65 year old female with kidney stones for my entire life. I am in awe as to why the medical specialists are unable to identify the real cause for this problem. I was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism over 25 years ago and never treated for this problem. I do some research online myself and realize that I have so many of the symptoms/problems related to hyperparathyroidism.

My big question is: Could hyperparathyroidism be the culprit at large here? Would Serrapeptase have any health benefits in my situation?

A: It is a combination of missing minerals, over acidic diet and high sugar foods. I am sending the plan Thyroid Recovery Health Plan

P.S: Why would you expect the medical system to know anything? They are trained by drug companies to sell drugs, not deliver healthcare.


Q: It was suggested to me a while ago to take Wobenzym. I didn’t really like the way I felt nor did I see anything but weight gain.

I know that it helps with detoxing the liver, and so I started searching for something else to see if there was another alternative. Then I ran across Vitalzym XE. When I ordered that I received a CD on Systemic Enzymes (Bill Wong). This led me to “Serrapeptase”. I asked the customer service agent where I purchased the product from what the difference was between Vitalzym and Wobenzym – she said it’s the Serrapeptase that makes it more effective.

I then researched Serrapeptase, and found your site (SO EXCITED) and now am confused on if I should just buy the SerraEnzyme or maybe another one because as of right now I also take 5,000 IU of D-3 daily. I thought you might have a suggestion.

I used to suffer with Hypothyroidism, daily dizziness and headaches. I am confident I have that under control with Moringa Oleifera, and a cleansing tea (that also has Moringa in it) but still have goiters. I purchased Nascent Iodine (I couldn’t see it was helping me) and try to eat lots of shrimp and things that would have iodine. After doing the Vitalzym I did see some difference in the way I felt, but 2 weeks ago I woke up and couldn’t turn my head and since I have been suffering with major pain in my right side (Neck, Shoulder, Shoulder Blade, and now right hip – Chiro says it’s my C-6 and C-7) and it is the worst first thing in the morning (It has me in tears every morning because I can’t pick my head up, I have to roll out of bed the pain is so bad) and at night.

I have been to the Chiropractor 4 times and really not sure what happened, unless it is the serrapeptase revealing old damaged muscle in my body from 2 very bad car accidents? Both accidents I was told when they did the X-Ray that I could be a poster child for side whiplash (both accidents I was hit in the left side very hard, one at the age of 19 and the other at 33 (I am now 41) I work on a computer a lot (work from home) and I also have a lot of stress (and I hold all my stress in my neck and shoulders and forget to breathe).

We are moving both of my parents (72 years old) up in 3 weeks to live in the house with my husband and I until we build them something and I KNOW they both need Serrapeptase (Mom had 2 hernia surgeries that tore and then the last time they did surgery for a specialist had to rebuild her whole stomach) and she can’t do much now…she said the screen has started to come through her skin (Lord help me).

I am so sorry to go on and on, but I feel like this is the missing link to so many issues I have and the ones I love. I am a distributor of a Moringa Product and help so many people get their lives back with that, and I have already told people about Serrapeptase, but not sure if I should send them to Vitalzym or SerraEnzym (One thing I didn’t like is that the Vitalzym has Soy and I stay AWAY from that at all costs…)

My husband and I also are big believers of Ionic Colloidal Silver and make our own from one of the Fred Peschel (Peschel Instruments Inc.) machines…I tell people as long as I have Moringa & Silver I will be healthy…and NOW I want to add “Serrapeptase” to that as well. I will be sending LOTS of people to your site, but really am confused if I should be taking just the straight Serrapeptase (SerraEnzyme) or something like Vitalzym that has other enzymes in it.

We eat healthy and I am excited about your Really Healthy Foods Website (my next internet adventure) the only thing I drink is water, Moringa Oleifera drink, the moringa herbal tea, and almond milk with our companies new Moringa Protein Shake.. I know I need lots of help because I was a VERY heavy drinker (beer and hard liquor) and a 3 pack-a-day smoker for 17 years… but haven’t done either in 8 years (not even a glass of wine) ….so I know my liver is getting better with healthy foods and drinking lots of water (1/2 my body weight in oz a day) and now once this pain goes away in my neck and shoulders I will start working out after 20 years..

I look forward to your email, and communicating with you in the future. SO sorry this was so lengthy I have so much to say and tried to make it short :-/


A: I suggest Serranol as your best all round serrapeptase formula and reading the attached report will explain why.


See also: http://serranoloffers.com/

Yes, Serrapeptase can clear old scar tissue which exposes that the old problem did not heal, just got covered up. To heal an old problem (neck, shoulder, blade and hip) I suggest my HealthPoint, see www.HealthPointPower.com and my video at www.DoveHealth.com. I can give you video coaching over skype if you need it.
Nascent Iodine is critical as there is none in the food chain unless you eat 3 portions of kelp or kombu everyday.
Have you given up the starchy carbs?

If I have missed anything then:
Register and sign into www.GoodHealthHelpDesk.com and raise a ticket for continuing help.

I have just got 4 Moringa trees growing on our land here in Spain. They are one 12″ high so a long way to go for fresh leaves. I bought the seeds in the USA on one of my regular visits.


Q: Borderline under active thyroid and suffering with pains in calves -possibly blocked arteries and numb area on thigh suspected nerve damage. Can you advise on serapeptase dosage and any additional supplements if needed.

A: Full recovery plan in the link below: Thyroid Recovery Health Plan


Q: Is there any information on the effects of serrapeptase on thyroid conditions? Also, how does the enzyme fare against huge fatty deposits around the midsection that has been impossible to reduce. Two pregnancies resulted in the deposit of this stubborn belly fat. Can this enzyme help?
Please send as much information on this challenge.
A: The thyroid needs:
Nascent Iodine
Active Life

see above at www.GoodHealthUSA.com

Stopping all starchy carbs: Really Healthy Foods Plan PDF

The fat will take care of itself with the attached diet and recipes at www.ReallyHealthyFoods.com


Q: I have just purchased my first serrapeptase tablets – do you think I will be ok as I have suffered for over 20 years with underactive thyroid? I take 150mg Thyroxine each day, I was taking the serrapeptase to aid with utacaria, this is a rash and itch problem I have recently developed.
A: It is fine to take the tablets with any drug and it may help your thyroid as well. What are you taking them for?
Underactive thyroids are caused by a deficiency of iodine and eating a high starchy carbs, surgery diet.
You still need iodine for many other health issues around the body (even if you want to carry on taking the drugs) and I recommend the following:
Nascent Iodine drops 23 drops x 3 times per day in a little water.

Stop starchy carbs and high sugar foods and follow the plan as attached and at www.ReallyHealthyFoods.com
It is likely that you will need to lower the thyroid drugs if you follow this healthy lifestyle as healthy people do not need drugs of course.


Q: Good Morning Robert.

10 year old girl suffering with Hyperthyroidism picking up weight at a rate of 1.5kg per month wearing size 44 pants desperate for help tried everything can you recommend what she should be taking?


A: Has she stopped all starchy carbs, high sugar foods and fruits?

Taking Nascent Iodine Drops 3 x 3 per day will fix the thyroid but the damage is done by high sugar foods.


Q: Dear Robert,

May I ask which diet and what vitamins/ supplements can you recommend for me during pregnancy? I am in general good health except for Thyroid (hypo) problem (for which medicine is used), low to normal blood pressure. I did not see any specific products in your website dedicated for pregnant woman, and I wonder which of those are best to use during pregnancy.
A: No women (and men), and especially pregnant women should eat starchy carbs and other high GI food. Studies show that women avoiding these foods means zero short sightedness and 50% less chance of abnormality with their babies. This is because high sugar and the subsequent high insulin spikes are damaging to your body and of course to the growing baby.
Eat the following in a balanced menu:
Low GI Vegetables.
Low GI Fruits (usually dark skinned, e.g. Avocado is the super food of all time)
Nuts and seeds (soaked for at least 24 hrs previously to help them become more digestible)
Beans, lentils and pulses (better sprouted)
Any and ALL grains must be sprouted first
Quinoa and Chia seeds are good
Fish (wild) 2-3 times per week
Meats (only organic grass fed) 1-2 times per week

Active Life (contains all 90 vits/minerals)
Probiotics14 (Even when breastfeeding as you will pass them on to your baby through the breast).
Hemp Oil
Vitamin D3 2000iu per day

Also consider in consultation with your physician to replace your drugs:
Nascent Iodine ()

Q: Hello Mr. Redfern,

I can tell you of a problem. Following an emotional shock (accident: badly fractured ulna vacation last summer) it formed a nodule on my thyroid gland is now 4cm x 6cm and I in Naturopathic profession, I have already several months of a clay poultice, I take serrapeptase and lots of other good products but I still can not free myself from it a nodule. If you already deal with this kind of problem, I’d be happy to hear from you.



A: Odette,

Serranol change and add nascent iodine is good for the compensation cysts.

Nascent Iodine


Q: Iodine skin test shows I am very low. How much iodoral supplement can I safely take or should I avoid iodine all together because of the cancer? I know the body needs iodine but I have been told to stay away from it. I would appreciate your opinion.
A: You and everyone needs iodine for many jobs around the body and not least cancer prevention. The thyroid is only one of its essential need.
Iodine needed is food state iodine as with all minerals. All minerals have to pass through a plant before it is safe and useful to the human body. In their elemental states both iodine and silver are toxic to our body yet once it passes through a plant it becomes a valuable nutrient.
The only plants on earth that have enough iodine are seaweeds such as kelp and Kombu. Fresh Kelp and Kelp capsules are very expensive and you would need 27 capsules everyday to get enough iodine.
The common iodine supplement offered is Potassium Iodide (combining potassium and Iodine) and usually seen in table salt as was demanded by doctors over 100 years ago when they realised how deficient the population had become. Of course they did not understand at that point that food state is essential. Iodoral is another Potassium Iodide Supplement.
I recommend Nascent Iodine as the nearest to food state iodine is Nascent Iodine Drops. This is iodine in an atomic state that takes it as close as possible to food state.
The usual top dose is 4 drops x 4 times per day or less if the same every effect is gained at the lower dose.

More Questions

Q: I read on another site, that if your allergic to soy not to take Blockbuster All Clear, why is that?

Being that I am on synthroid, I try to stay away from all soy products, and because of hot flashes.


A: I disagree with them, it is fine. They are saying that because the enzyme Nattokinase is extracted from soy but no soy is there in the enzyme extract.
You also need Nascent Iodine for your thyroid and hormone balance.


Q: In my previous question, I asked what is a good time of day to take blockbuster all clear or serrapeptase, I take my synthroid at 5:30 am, eat breakfast about 7:30 am. Is it ok to take it on an empty stomach before bed?


A: Take 2 or 3, 30mins before each meal, 3 times per day.