What is Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)?

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. It may be due to atrophy to parts of the brain which damages the structure of it and how it works.

There is no precise explanation as to why it happens. However, it comes with certain risk factors such as age, family history, down syndrome and even whiplash. In addition, it’s also possible that cardiovascular disease can increase the risk. Certain lifestyle factors such as smoking, obesity, diabetes and a high blood pressure and cholesterol level are all risks as well.

Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Symptoms include memory loss or a slow decline in memory, reasoning and thinking skills. Challenges in planning or solving problems may be another issue. Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, work or in a leisure setting may also become commonplace. Moreover, there is also that feeling of confusion about your present location or what time it is another issue.  It also comes with trouble understanding the visual images and spatial relationships between things.

Speaking or writing may suddenly become more challenging. The sufferer may find themselves stopping in the middle of a conversation, misplacing things or losing the ability to retrace their steps. Poor judgement, withdrawing from work or social activities and changes in mood or personality are all signs.

Early Detection is Very Important

Detecting the signs of Alzheimer’s early on is extremely important. It allows for more time to plan for the future and know which steps to take. It can also provide better support for you and your loved ones so they know how to best deal with the condition.

From here on in, they can then follow the Alzheimer’s Health Plan for best results. This can start their loved ones on a regimen that can improve and better manage their overall symptoms.

Over time, the symptoms can improve considerably or be brought under control so they don’t get any worse.