What Is Bronchitis?

Bronchitis occurs when the mucous membranes that transport air to the lungs become inflamed. Cases of bronchitis may be acute or chronic.

Acute bronchitis can start out as a cough and may be related to an acute, viral illness, like influenza or the common cold. Viruses are responsible for roughly 90% of acute bronchitis cases, compared to bacteria at less than 10%.

Chronic bronchitis is a type of COPD, characterized by a cough that lasts from three months to a year, for at least two years. Chronic bronchitis may be the result of recurrent airway injury related to inhaled irritants. For example, cigarette smoking is a common cause of chronic bronchitis, next to occupational exposure and air pollution.

What Causes Bronchitis?

The main cause of bronchitis is chronic inflammation related to:

  • Eating too many starchy foods
  • Dairy foods
  • Weak immune system
  • Air pollution
  • Smoking

A diet that is deficient in vegetables and enzymes will also contribute to bronchitis and increase the likelihood of infection.